The main thought is to create a dignified, simple, approachable and prestigious building. As determining the location of the building within the area; relationship between sea and the coast, service requirements and the symbolic value of the structure were considered. Opera House is formed two halls, a foyer that surrounds them and a service area. The stage connection of the main hall and the small hall was set up and the both halls are places at the same level, so the small hall could benefit the main hall’s facilities. Foyers and the entrance have been positioned in the seaside to connect the square. At the last level of the foyer, a café, a restaurant and a place that can be used as an exhibition, was created.
Date / 2011
Client / Metropolitan Municipality of Izmir
Location / Izmir
Project Area / 32.000 m²
Ekip / Bülent Çetin (M. Architect)